Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My answer to the question - IV - On the possibility of the inexistence of an answer REMAKE

"The 'knowledge' of the philosopher places him among the dreamers,
for knowledge is a dream.
But the philosopher 'knowingly' agrees to dream, to dream of knowledge, agress to 'forget' the lesson of philosophy, only so as to 'prove' that lesson...
it is a vertiginous movement that can go on indefinitely"

"How wonderful and new and yet how gruesome and ironic I find my position vis-à-vis the whole of existence in the light of my insight! ...
I suddenly woke up in the midst of this dream, but only to the consciousness that I am dreaming and that I must go on dreaming lest I perish... (*) ...that among all these dreamers, I, too, the "knower," am dancing my dance,
that the knower is a means for prolonging the earthly dance and thus belongs to
the masters of ceremony of existence,
and that the
sublime consistency and interrelatedness of all knowledge
perhaps is and will be the highest means to preserve the universality of dreaming and the mutual comprehension of all dreamers and thus also the continuation of the dream."

"This philosophical agreement is the reader/writer's contract with the text... The abyss appears when Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger, Derrida lift the lid of the
most familiar and comforting notions about the possibility of knowledge"
Spivak, Nietzsche, Spivak

1 comment:

Telemaco said...

(*) "What is "appearance" for me now! Certainly not the opposite of some essence,—what could I say about any essence except to name the attributes of its appearance! Certainly not a dead mask that one could place on an unknown X or remove from it! Appearance is for me that which lives and is effective and goes so far in its self-mockery that it makes me feel that this is appearance and will-o'-the-wisp and a dance of spirits and nothing more, "