Thursday, May 28, 2009

(not so) dreamy sketches

Variações - Pop Fado Pop - Quero é viver

I'm gonna live,
till when, I don't know
Who cares, what will I be,
to live, that's what I want

Sunday, May 10, 2009

La France

"Todos os dias lavo o meu cérebro com publicidade"


Books - Although

Although Amazon tells me I should buy a Kindle, I keep buying paper books. Although I have a passion (the consumeristic me) for my paper books, I will soon try one of these toys.
Although Amazon has an incredible website for book search, details, wish lists, and reviews, I buy used books at and new books at (free delivery worldwide).

Traveling East

Have I told you that my next trip will be an overland trip to China?
Well, I am not that original. It's just that I like to keep someone else's ideas.
I'm not sure if I was responsible for his traveling dreams or if he was responsible for mine. One thing I'm sure, we both inspired each other.
He quit his job, he sold all his stuff, and went EAST: Next Stop: Where?

This is Miguel (on the right) and I travelling together somewhere in Malaysia in 2007. The old guy is Mister Universe 1960, ahahaha:

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Can you calculate 123 x 24 without writing? I took 20 seconds.

What about 173 x 17? I took 45 seconds.

1234 x 23? I took over a minute.

I will get back to this post in 10 years and time myself again :-)

We are all very different. Some people will say: "off course, faster than you". Many people will say "you are crazy".


Ai, choro com o que Paredes
Curvando os dedos em garra
Despedaçava a guitarra
Punha os bordões a estalar
José Régio (sobre Artur Paredes)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Avantgarde devient arriéregarde

Common Sense (CS) is just like a very limited guy that takes ages to understand and integrate in his body of knowledge what other people say. CS is our knowledge tail, it has an huge historical dimension.

We are still digesting the XXth century. Current CS is still back in the begining of the XXth century. Let's say it is in 1905 with Einstein or maybe in 1915 with Ghandi or Freud.

I wonder how will our current avantgarde become Common Sense. How will Common Sense integrate all this?
How will I integrate all this?

Let's see, one page of music, entitled "piano piece for David Tudor":

Composer, Sylvano Bussotti, insisted that the name in the title was not a dedication to the famous avant-garde pianist, but rather an indication of the instrument!


Ao longo de dois anos online, o google (ou o povo) escolheu a melhor página do meu site com 4000 visitas.
É um resumo do capítulo III do GEB: Figura e Fundo