Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My answer to the question - IV - On the possibility of the inexistence of an answer REMAKE

"The 'knowledge' of the philosopher places him among the dreamers,
for knowledge is a dream.
But the philosopher 'knowingly' agrees to dream, to dream of knowledge, agress to 'forget' the lesson of philosophy, only so as to 'prove' that lesson...
it is a vertiginous movement that can go on indefinitely"

"How wonderful and new and yet how gruesome and ironic I find my position vis-à-vis the whole of existence in the light of my insight! ...
I suddenly woke up in the midst of this dream, but only to the consciousness that I am dreaming and that I must go on dreaming lest I perish... (*) ...that among all these dreamers, I, too, the "knower," am dancing my dance,
that the knower is a means for prolonging the earthly dance and thus belongs to
the masters of ceremony of existence,
and that the
sublime consistency and interrelatedness of all knowledge
perhaps is and will be the highest means to preserve the universality of dreaming and the mutual comprehension of all dreamers and thus also the continuation of the dream."

"This philosophical agreement is the reader/writer's contract with the text... The abyss appears when Nietzsche, Freud, Heidegger, Derrida lift the lid of the
most familiar and comforting notions about the possibility of knowledge"
Spivak, Nietzsche, Spivak

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Gilbert Simondon on individuation

"In L'individuation psychique et collective, Gilbert Simondon developed a theory of individual and collective individuation, in which the individual subject is considered as an effect of individuation, rather than a cause. Thus the individual atom is replaced by the neverending ontological process of individuation. Simondon also conceived of "pre-individual fields" as the funds making individuation itself possible. Individuation is an always incomplete process, always leaving a "pre-individual" left-over, itself making possible future individuations. Furthermore, individuation always creates both an individual and a collective subject, which individuate themselves together."

Phenomenological Vision

This work impressed me so much! I've seen it this summer in Bienal de Cerveira. Inside the dark room, the wires were completely invisible (in the movie you can see the wires). The lighting is done with a simple group of moving light bars pointing to the wire structure.

Inside the room, the light and the movement of the light got into Existence. I saw the light as an object moving. It was moving exactly the same way everytime but in a different way, either in a different color, or direction, or speed. But the pattern was always there.
But that's not all. I said phenomenology because WE could be THAT light crossing the wires. We are not the wires, we are not the light, we are the "light on the wires", we are that repetition, we are each of those moments were the light gets to the wire.
We are not the wires! Our structure is not the structure of the wires!
We are those explosions of light on the wires. The angles of our structure are the directions of that light on the wires. Our structure is the equation of the speed of that light on the wires.
Humans are the need of the "light on the wires" to escape the wires.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Russian Film - Sergei Paradjanov

My favourite director was Pasolini, but then I met Paradjanov. In this long interview, Paradjanov cites dozens of Russian directors and only one non Russian name appears: Pasolini. He was a fan of Pasolini. I was very suprised to see that, although uninformed, my film criticism is not just nonsense.

Russian Music - Sergei Prokofiev

My favorite Russian composer was Shostakovich, and his bottle bottom glasses, but then I changed to Prokofiev, and my obsession for these 2 or 3 minutes of pure inconsistotragicism (and as disconcerting as Shostakovich).

Swiss Memories

Sometimes I forget the origins of my sweet Swiss memories, and also the origins of my general disbelief in science. It looks good, it sounds great, it is great but it is human, all too human. I have been there.

Post-Structuralist Heidegger

"Heidegger has said it: 'it is not we who speak language, it is language who speaks us'. It structures our world, it structures our sense of time, of identity, of human relations, of love, of violence, and so on. And so, when Foucault, very, very radically... and brilliantly says: 'there is no more man, there is no more author, etc, etc', when deconstruction speaks of language as an autonomous inward turning game as a dance around an infinity of possible meanings, these are ... footnotes to Heidegger.", George Steiner

"In language there are only differences, and no positive terms", Saussure

It's a century long puzzle... Saussure, Husserl, Heidegger, Levi-Strauss, Sartre, Barthes, Foucault, Deleuze, Derrida...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

o meu viajar

- forma de escape
- forma de distração (férias)
- forma de preguiça
- forma de evitamento (da realidade)
- forma de confronto consigo mesmo
- forma de solidão profunda
- forma de desenquadramento absoluto
- forma de encontro com o desconhecido

Todos os dias me vens leitor com vontades de viajar 1 e falas comigo como o viajado.
O meu viajar é o 2, não me venhas com evitamentos.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"Venez jusqu'au bord!"

"Nous ne pouvons pas, nous allons tomber."
"Venez jusqu'au bord!"
"Nous ne pouvons pas, nous avons peur."
"Venez jusqu'au bord!"
Et ils y vinrent.
Et il les poussa.
Et ils volèrent...

Guillaume Apollinaire

Pocket spinozism

I found this pocket spinozism in an old note book (I read Spinoza 3 years after writing this): happiness is freedom and freedom is the absence of internal ghosts and external domination.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A viralidade é viral?

A massificabilidade é uma propriedade dos elementos de cultura ligeiramente diferente da viralidade. A massificabilidade refere-se à expansibilidade e à não distante durabilidade. A viralidade refere-se à necessária reprodutibilidade dos elementos massificáveis.

A frase do dia foi ouvida fora do contexto: "as pessoas têm de começar a entender X"

Primeiro é necessário imaginar que esta pessoa algures no passado não tinha conhecimento de X, no entanto, neste momento, não só detinha esse conhecimento, como o reproduzia. Ora, é assim que funcionam os virus.

Esta frase em si denota a existência de um mecanismo de transmissão, como a maquinaria de uma célula utilizada pelo virus para se reproduzir.
A célula neste caso é um pobre aparelho linguístico que, em determinado momento, não tinha conhecimento de X, mas que, pobre, foi infectado e passa, não só a deter o conhecimento (X, o virus) mas a reproduzi-lo, alegre.

"as pessoas têm de começar a entender a viralidade": um pobre coitado, alegre.

Venezuela - Puerto Colombia - Playa Grande

Quando me pedem sugestões de destinos de férias paradisíacos eu falo sempre de Bali, das Pipi e outros. Mas deixo sempre o melhor para o fim:

Friday, September 4, 2009


Entre os muitos draft posts não publicados deste blog há um sobre as razões da não massificação das culturas locais e a importação de algo mais massificável e consequente cópia local.
Deixo aqui o que julgo ser um exemplo de algo profundamente incompatível com uma cultura de massas capitalista e seus grandes bastiões: o positivismo, a individualização (unicidade individual) e a mono-personalidade.

Amália Rodrigues

Por trás do espelho quem está
De olhos fixados nos meus?
Alguém que passou por cá
E seguiu ao deus-dará
Deixando os olhos nos meus.

Quem dorme na minha cama,
E tenta sonhar meus sonhos?
Alguém morreu nesta cama,
E lá de longe me chama
Misturada nos meus sonhos.
Tudo o que faço ou não faço,
Outros fizeram assim
Daí este meu cansaço
De sentir que quanto faço
Não é feito só por mim.