Saturday, November 14, 2009

O Te, a merda ou o conflito

Sejamos francos, a maioria das vidas são uma merda, embrenhadas de conflitos, privações e frustrações. Para quê ter uma vida?
Havia o dia em que eu acreditava no estabelecido, "naquilo que está", e dizia, estamos a melhorar, estamos bem. Vamos lá!
Mas que interessa estarmos a evoluir?
Mas que interessa estarmos na merda?
Para quê ter uma vida?
Para quê a merda e o conflito?

Well, easy peasy! Dependence. We need, we want, thus, we take, "we greed" BUT The BUT and we fall. Oh Henry!
And what a wonder, and power, and full, feelings ... being able to disconnect. Oh Henry!
Divine ascestism, divine nihilism.

(this is me playing with "My Answer to the Question", making fun of the Tao, of myself, of suicide, and finally, of Miller... I have to explain why this blog is called Pobre Coitado before I forget).

Or maybe I should just go back to Miller...
"I am a free man - and I need my freedom. I need to be alone. I need to ponder my shame and my despair in seclusion; I need the sunshine and the paving stones of the streets without companions, without conversation, face to face with myself, with only the music of my heart for company. What do you want of me? (...) I owe nothing to any one. I would be responsible to God alone — if He existed!", Henry Miller

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